Two HPP resistant L. monocytogenes strains, RO15 and Scott A, were subjected to high pressure treatments. Cell concentrates stabilized with RNAprotect® cell reagent were sent to the Finnish partner for RNA extraction and gene expression assessment to identify the genes involved in the resistance mechanisms of L. monocytogenes to high pressure processing.

First report on the project work was sent to UEFISCDI.

The working protocols for two mutagenic methods were established. The first method uses chromosomal mutagenesis for “gene deletion”, while the second one uses CRISPRi technology for “gene knockout”.

Our file for obtaining the authorisation for working with genetically modified organisms was officially registered (no. 3/02.11.2017) and presented to the Commission for Biosecurity for examination.

Suplimentary information was added to the file created for obtaining the authorisation for working with genetically modified organisms.

Participation to the Annual Meeting of the SafeFood Consortium, 4th to 5th of September 2017, Barcelona, Spain and visit of the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (project partner).

Leontina Grigore-Gurgu (PI) and Florentina Ionela Bucur (PhD student) started their trainings at the Institute for Microbiology and Biotechnology from the University of Ulm, Germany, to learn mutagenesis techniques.

Suplimentary information was added to the file created for obtaining the authorisation for working with genetically modified organisms.

A file describing the flows and procedures applied in our premises was sent to the National Agency for Environmental Protection to obtain an authorisation for working in containement conditions with genetically modified microorganisms (risk class 2).

Participation to the 5th edition of the Scientific Conference organized by the Doctoral Schools of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, 8th - 9th of June 2017, Galati, Romania with the oral presentation Survival mechanisms of the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes  (authors: Florentina Bucur, Leontina Grigore-Gurgu and Anca Ioana Nicolau)

Extraction of DNA from the strain L. monocytogenes LmRO15 was performed and extracts were sent to the University of Helsinki for whole genome sequencing.

Contract with UEFISCDI was signed.

Ten strains of L. monocytogenes from the UGAL culture collection were tested for barotolerance. The ones that better tolerated high pressures were sent to Nofima for being tested in competition with listeria from other culture collections. Based on these tests, L. monocytogenes LmRO15 was declared barotolerant. Members of the SafeFood Consortium established to continue their investigations for finding the mechanism that allows L. monocytogenes to survive high pressures on LmRO15 strain.